
Project High Hopes, after years of active high school voter registration efforts, now supports Turn Up, a national youth voter registration program founded in 2019. The founder, Zev Shapiro,  was a young Harvard student at the time and he continues to lead this 501(c) tax-deductible non-profit organization. It is the largest youth-led voter registration and turnout initiative in America. TurnUp is powered by a diverse team of more than 4,000 youth organizers, 20,000+ young volunteers, hundreds of partner organizations, and thousands of individual donors from every corner of the country.

In 2020 and 2022, TurnUp delivered 60 million impressions of digital civic-engagement ads, making it easier to register and vote. It sent more than 11 million texts to young voters, and helped register more than 200,000 students to vote.

TurnUp was recognized by Forbes as the standout tech non-profit of 2022.

For more information about TurnUp, visit

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